Maybe it was the gravelly tone of his voice; the excitement of his presentation; his loveable, huggable, teddy-bear appearance; or perhaps the convincing demonstrations that made me not only listen to what Mays had to say, but actually buy some of the products he hawked.
Yes, it’s true. I have spent many a dime on CLR here in Florida where hard water mineral deposits coat shower enclosures. The product is now so popular, the manufacturers no longer need to hire Mays to sell it. A list of his current commercial / infomercial products can be found on Surf Til You Drop, including: the Awesome Auger, Big City Slider, Fix It, Flies Away, Hercules Hook, Impact Gel, Mighty Mendit, Mighty Putty, Oxiclean Products (Oxiclean, Orange Glow, and Kaboom), Samurai Shark, Simoniz Liquid Diamond, Steam Buddy, Tool Bandit, What Odor?, and Zorbeez. I have to admit that while I am willing to try the products he sells, I prefer to buy them in person in a store, rather than online or by phone, so I can easily return the item if it is defective.
Although Mays tragically passed away on June 28 in Tampa, FL, he is living in perpetuity on his television ads, many of which are still airing to this day. It’s as if nothing has changed and I like it that way. It’s ironic that while other iconic legends who have recently passed away are being remembered in past tense for their sensationalistic exploits (such as Michael Jackson), we can pay homage to Mays in the present in a positive light by keeping him alive doing what he does so very well – selling stuff.
Sadly, rumor has it that his family requested that his Mighty Putty commercial advertisement spots be pulled, according to a Reality TV World article by Christopher Rocchio. I think that would be a shame, not seeing Mays everyday. You wouldn’t pull Michael Jackson songs off the radio or Farah Fawcett movies off TV, would you? No, you’d relish every replay with fond memories…
Fortunately, the infomercials will resume next week after Mays funeral, which is being held in Pennsylvania on Friday, July 3rd, according to an article by Eric Deggans in the Saint Petersburg Times.
Me, I’m thinking of maybe trying some Oxi Clean.
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